Flood Service – SOAP

Flood Service – SOAP

SOAP Operations

The Flood Service is now available in two versions:

  • Version 2 – This version uses the 2015 data and supports the following return periods only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years


  • Version 3 – This version uses the 2016 data and supports the following return periods only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn75Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn75Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn20Years, StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years, StormSurgeOneIn200Years, StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years

The following operation requests are available through SOAP/XML:



Accepts a single coordinate location and returns OneIn1500Years if the submitted coordinate is within the 1 in 1,500 year River Flood Return Period, and/or SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years if the submitted coordinate is within the 1 in 1,500 year Surface Water Return Period, and/or StormSurgeOneIn1500Years (Version 3 only) if the submitted coordinate is within the 1 in 1,500 year Storm Surge Return Period. Returns an empty IndicationPeriods array if the coordinate is not within either of the 1 in 1,500 year Return Periods (River Flood, Surface Water or Storm Surge (Version 3 only)). The Defended Areas layer is not part of this function.

Request Parameters:

  • latitude (double): The WGS84 latitude of the location specified
  • longitude (double): The WGS84 longitude of the location specified
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • IndicationPeriods (string array): Array of return periods (OneIn1500YearsSurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years (Version 3 only))
  • transactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


<!-- The SOAP/XML Request -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodIndicationResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodIndicationResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                  <a:FloodPeriods xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodIndicationResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodIndicationResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                  <a:FloodPeriods xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">



Accepts a batch of coordinate locations and returns OneIn1500Years for all coordinates that are within the 1 in 1,500 year River Flood Return Period, and/or SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years if the submitted coordinates are within the 1 in 1,500 year Surface Water Return Period, and/or StormSurgeOneIn1500Years (Version 3 only) if the submitted coordinates are within the 1 in 1,500 year Storm Surge Return Period. Returns an empty IndicationPeriods array if the coordinates are not within either of the 1 in 1,500 year Return Periods (River Flood, Surface Water, or Storm Surge (Version 3 only)). The Defended Areas layer is not part of this function.

Request Parameters:

  • points (array): array of latitude and longitude coordinate points
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the batch request

Response Items:

  • IndicationPeriods (string array): Array of return periods (OneIn1500YearsSurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years (Version 3 only)) for each coordinate pair in the batch request
  • transactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


<!-- The SOAP/XML Request -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/" xmlns:lh="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/">
            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodIndicationBatchResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodIndicationBatchResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                  <a:FloodPeriods xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                  <a:FloodPeriods xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                  <a:FloodPeriods xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
               <a:IndicationPeriod i:nil="true"/>
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodIndicationBatchResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodIndicationBatchResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                  <a:FloodPeriods xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                  <a:FloodPeriods xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                  <a:FloodPeriods xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
               <a:IndicationPeriod i:nil="true"/>



Accepts a single coordinate location and a Return Period as input and returns the depth information for the submitted Return Period at that coordinate. A code of 127 (No Data Found) is returned if the coordinate is not within the submitted Return Period. If a user wishes to check multiple return periods that are available, they must submit multiple calls as the service interface supports one period at a time. The Defended Areas layer is not included within this function.

Request Parameters:

  • floodReturnPeriod (string): Valid Return Period strings are:
    • Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years
    • Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn75Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn75Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn20Years, StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years, StormSurgeOneIn200Years, StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years
  • latitude (double): The WGS84 latitude of the location specified
  • longitude (double): The WGS84 longitude of the location specified
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • FloodReturnPeriod (string): Return period provided in the request
  • TransactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request
  • FloodDepth (array): Array of DepthData containing the Depth and DepthDescription information


<!-- The SOAP/XML Request (Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only) -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <!--type: ReturnPeriod - enumeration: [OneIn20Years,OneIn50Years,OneIn100Years,OneIn200Years,OneIn500Years,OneIn1500Years,
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodEvaluationResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodEvaluationResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                  <b:DepthDescription>3 < x <= 6</b:DepthDescription>
<!-- The SOAP/XML Request (Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only) -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <!--type: ReturnPeriod - enumeration: [OneIn20Years,OneIn50Years,OneIn75Years,OneIn100Years,OneIn200Years,OneIn500Years,OneIn1500Years,
                                                StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years,StormSurgeOneIn200Years,
                                                StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years]-->
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodEvaluationResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodEvaluationResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                  <b:DepthDescription>3 < x <= 6</b:DepthDescription>



Accepts a batch of coordinate locations with a single return period as input and returns the depth information for the submitted coordinates that are within the specified Return Period. A code of 127 (No Data Found) is returned for any coordinate that is not within the specified Return Period. If a user wishes to check multiple return periods that are available, they must submit multiple batch calls as the service interface supports one period at a time. The Defended Areas layer is not included within this function.

Request Parameters:

  • floodReturnPeriod (string): Valid Return Period strings are:
    • Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years
    • Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn75Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn75Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn20Years, StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years, StormSurgeOneIn200Years, StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years
  • points (array): array of latitude and longitude coordinate points
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the batch request

Response Items:

  • FloodReturnPeriod (string): Return period provided in the batch request
  • TransactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the batch request
  • FloodDepth (array): Array of DepthData containing the Depth and DepthDescription information


<!-- The SOAP/XML Request (Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only) -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/" xmlns:lh="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/">
         <!--type: ReturnPeriod - enumeration: [OneIn20Years,OneIn50Years,OneIn100Years,OneIn200Years,OneIn500Years,OneIn1500Years,
            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodEvaluationBatchResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodEvaluationBatchResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                  <b:DepthDescription>x > 9</b:DepthDescription>
                  <b:DepthDescription>3 < x <= 6</b:DepthDescription>
                  <b:DepthDescription>6 < x <= 9</b:DepthDescription>
                  <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
<!-- The SOAP/XML Request (Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only) -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/" xmlns:lh="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/">
         <!--type: ReturnPeriod - enumeration: [OneIn20Years,OneIn50Years,OneIn75Years,OneIn100Years,OneIn200Years,OneIn500Years,OneIn1500Years,
                                                StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years,StormSurgeOneIn200Years,
                                                StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years]-->
            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodEvaluationBatchResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodEvaluationBatchResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                  <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                  <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                  <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                  <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>


Accepts a single coordinate location and a transactionId as input and returns the depth information for all of the available Return Periods at that coordinate. A code of 127 (No Data Found) is returned if the coordinate is not within a specific Return Period. The Defended Area information is also returned for the given coordinate.

Request Parameters:

  • latitude (double): The WGS84 latitude of the location specified
  • longitude (double): The WGS84 longitude of the location specified
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • FloodRisks (array): Array of FloodRiskData objects (12 elements, one for each return period) containing the following properties:
    • FloodDepth: DepthData containing the Depth and DepthDescription information
    • FloodPeriod (string): The Flood Return Period associated with the Flood Depth Data. Valid Return Period strings are:
      • Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years
      • Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn75Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn75Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn20Years, StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years, StormSurgeOneIn200Years, StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years
  • ProtectedArea (DefendedArea object): Defended Area object containing Level and SoP
  • TransactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


<!-- The SOAP/XML Request -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodEvaluationAllPeriodsResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodEvaluationAllPeriodsResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodEvaluationAllPeriodsResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodEvaluationAllPeriodsResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>



Accepts an array of coordinate locations and a transactionId as input and returns the depth information for all of the available Return Periods at the submitted coordinates. A code of 127 (No Data Found) is returned if the coordinate is not within any of the available Return Periods. The Defended Area information is also returned for the given coordinates.

Request Parameters:

  • points (array): array of latitude and longitude coordinate points (WGS84)
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • Array of the following objects for each point in the request is returned:
    • FloodRisks (array): Array of FloodRiskData objects (one for each return period) containing the following properties:
      • FloodDepth: DepthData containing the Depth and DepthDescription information
      • FloodPeriod (string): The Flood Return Period associated with the Flood Depth Data. Valid Return Period strings are:
        • Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years
        • Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn75Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn75Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn20Years, StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years, StormSurgeOneIn200Years, StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years
  • ProtectedArea (DefendedArea object): Defended Area object containing Level and SoP
  • TransactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


<!-- The SOAP/XML Request -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/" xmlns:lh="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/">
            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 2 Flood Service with 2015 Data only) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodEvaluationAllPeriodsBatchResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodEvaluationAllPeriodsBatchResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>3 &lt; x &lt;= 6</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>6 &lt; x &lt;= 9</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>6 &lt; x &lt;= 9</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x > 9</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x > 9</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                     <a:SoP>No Data</a:SoP>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response (Version 3 Flood Service with 2016 Data only) -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetFloodEvaluationAllPeriodsBatchResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <GetFloodEvaluationAllPeriodsBatchResult xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>3 &lt; x &lt;= 6</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>3 &lt; x &lt;= 6</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>6 &lt; x &lt;= 9</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>6 &lt; x &lt;= 9</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x > 9</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x > 9</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>No data found</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>0.3 &lt; x &lt;= 1</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>x &lt;= 0.3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>
                        <a:FloodDepth xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/DMTI.LH.Services">
                           <b:DepthDescription>1 &lt; x &lt;= 3</b:DepthDescription>



Accepts a single coordinate location and returns the Standard of Protection (SoP) and the accuracy Level of the defended area polygon. For cases where the coordinate is outside of the defended area polygon, the associated Level will be equal to 0 and the SoP will be “No Data”. The Standard of Protection (SoP) is expressed as a return period of 1 in 20 years or more. The value for Level is provided to help understand how the defended area polygon was created. JBA’s Level system indicates whether the SoP and polygon areas are based on sourced data or are based on assumptions due to limited information.

Request Parameters:

  • latitude (double): The WGS84 latitude of the location specified
  • longitude (double): The WGS84 longitude of the location specified
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • DefendedAreas (array): Array of Defended Area objects containing Level and SoP
  • TransactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


<!-- The SOAP/XML Request -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetDefendedAreaInfoResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
            xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">



Accepts a batch of coordinate locations and for each location returns the Standard of Protection (SoP) and the accuracy Level of the defended area polygon. For cases where the coordinate is outside of the defended area polygon, the associated Level will be equal to 0 and the SoP will be “No Data”. The Standard of Protection (SoP) is expressed as a return period of 1 in 20 years or more. The value for Level is provided to help understand how the defended area polygon was created. JBA’s Level system indicates whether the SoP and polygon areas are based on sourced data or are based on assumptions due to limited information.

Request Parameters:

  • points (array): array of latitude and longitude coordinate points
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the batch request

Response Items:

  • DefendedAreas (array): Array of Defended Area objects containing Level and SoP
  • TransactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


<!-- The SOAP/XML Request -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:flo="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/" xmlns:lh="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/">
            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
               <!--type: double-->
         <!--type: string-->
<!-- The SOAP/XML Response -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetDefendedAreaInfoBatchResponse xmlns="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/services/floodservice/">
            xmlns:a="http://lh.dmtispatial.com/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                  <a:SoP>No Data</a:SoP>
                  <a:SoP>No Data</a:SoP>


Flood Service – REST

Flood Service – REST

REST Operations

The Flood Service is now available in two versions:

  • Version 2 – This version uses the 2015 data and supports the following return periods only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years


  • Version 3 – This version uses the 2016 data and supports the following return periods only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn75Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn75Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn20Years, StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years, StormSurgeOneIn200Years, StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years

The following Flood Service operation requests are available through the REST interface:



Accepts a single coordinate location and returns OneIn1500Years if the submitted coordinate is within the 1 in 1,500 year River Flood Return Period, and/or SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years if the submitted coordinate is within the 1 in 1,500 year Surface Water Return Period, and/or StormSurgeOneIn1500Years (Version 3 only) if the submitted coordinate is within the 1 in 1,500 year Storm Surge Return Period. Returns an empty IndicationPeriods array set to null if the coordinate is not within either of the 1 in 1,500 year Return Periods (River Flood, Surface Water or Storm Surge (Version 3 only)). The Defended Areas layer is not part of this function.

Request Parameters:

  • latitude (double): The WGS84 latitude of the location specified
  • longitude (double): The WGS84 longitude of the location specified
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • IndicationPeriods (array of FloodPeriods object): The FloodPeriods object is an integer array containing the following possible values:
    • 5 = OneIn1500Years
    • 11 = SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years
  • transactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


// REST Requests
// REST Responses in JSON
   "IndicationPeriods": [{"FloodPeriods": [5]}],
   "TransactionId": "1"
   "IndicationPeriods": [{"FloodPeriods":    [
   "TransactionId": "2"
   "IndicationPeriods": null,
   "TransactionId": null


Accepts a single coordinate location and a Return Period as input and returns the depth information for the submitted Return Period at that coordinate. A code of 127 (No Data Found) is returned if the coordinate is not within the submitted Return Period. If a user wishes to check multiple return periods that are available, they must submit multiple calls as the service interface supports one period at a time. The Defended Areas layer is not included within this function.

Request Parameters:

  • floodReturnPeriod (string): Valid Return Period strings are :
    • OneIn20Years
    • OneIn50Years
    • OneIn100Years
    • OneIn200Years
    • OneIn500Years
    • OneIn1500Years
    • SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years
    • SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years
    • SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years
    • SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years
    • SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years
    • SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years
  • latitude (double): The WGS84 latitude of the location specified
  • longitude (double): The WGS84 longitude of the location specified
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • FloodReturnPeriod (integer): Return period provided in the request
    • 0 = OneIn20Years
    • 1 = OneIn50Years
    • 2 = OneIn100Years
    • 3 = OneIn200Years
    • 4 = OneIn500Years
    • 5 = OneIn1500Years
    • 6 = SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years
    • 7 = SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years
    • 8 = SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years
    • 9 = SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years
    • 10 = SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years
    • 11 = SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years
  • transactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request
  • FloodDepth (array): Array of DepthData containing the Depth and DepthDescription information


// REST Requests
//Sample REST Responses
   "FloodReturnPeriod": 4,
   "TransactionId": "4",
   "FloodDepth": [   {
      "Depth": 6,
      "DepthDescription": "x > 9"
   "FloodReturnPeriod": 11,
   "TransactionId": "5",
   "FloodDepth": [   {
      "Depth": 4,
      "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6"
   "FloodReturnPeriod": 4,
   "TransactionId": null,
   "FloodDepth": [   {
      "Depth": 127,
      "DepthDescription": "No data found"



Accepts a single coordinate location and returns the depth information for all return periods. A code of 127 (No Data Found) is returned if the coordinate is not within a Return Period. The Defended Area information is also returned for the given coordinate.

Request Parameters:

  • latitude (double): The WGS84 latitude of the location specified
  • longitude (double): The WGS84 longitude of the location specified
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • FloodRisks (array): Array of FloodRiskData objects (12 elements, one for each return period) containing the following properties:
    • FloodDepth – DepthData containing the Depth and DepthDescription information
    • FloodPeriod (integer): Flood Return period
      • 0 = OneIn20Years
      • 1 = OneIn50Years
      • 2 = OneIn100Years
      • 3 = OneIn200Years
      • 4 = OneIn500Years
      • 5 = OneIn1500Years
      • 6 = SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years
      • 7 = SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years
      • 8 = SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years
      • 9 = SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years
      • 10 = SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years
      • 11 = SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years
    • ProtectedArea (DefendedArea object): Defended Area object containing Level and SoP
  • transactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


// REST Requests
//Sample REST Responses
    "FloodResultData": [{
        "FloodRisks": [
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 3, "DepthDescription": "1 < x <= 3" }, "FloodPeriod": 0 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 1 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 5, "DepthDescription": "6 < x <= 9" }, "FloodPeriod": 2 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 5, "DepthDescription": "6 < x <= 9" }, "FloodPeriod": 3 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 6, "DepthDescription": "x > 9" },  "FloodPeriod": 4 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 6, "DepthDescription": "x > 9" },  "FloodPeriod": 5 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 127, "DepthDescription": "No data found" }, "FloodPeriod": 6 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 127, "DepthDescription": "No data found" }, "FloodPeriod": 7 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 127, "DepthDescription": "No data found" }, "FloodPeriod": 8 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 127, "DepthDescription": "No data found" }, "FloodPeriod": 9 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 127, "DepthDescription": "No data found" }, "FloodPeriod": 10 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 127, "DepthDescription": "No data found" }, "FloodPeriod": 11 }
        "ProtectedArea": { "Level": 0, "SoP": "No Data" }
    "TransactionId": "4"
    "FloodResultData": [{
        "FloodRisks": [
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 127, "DepthDescription": "No data found" }, "FloodPeriod": 0 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 127, "DepthDescription": "No data found" }, "FloodPeriod": 1 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 2 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 3 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 4 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 5 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 6 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 7 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 8 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 9 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 10 },
            { "FloodDepth": { "Depth": 4, "DepthDescription": "3 < x <= 6" }, "FloodPeriod": 11 }
        "ProtectedArea": { "Level": 0, "SoP": "No Data" }
    "TransactionId": "5"



Accepts a single coordinate location and returns the Standard of Protection (SoP) and the accuracy Level of the defended area polygon. For cases where the coordinate is outside of the defended area polygon, the associated Level will be equal to 0 and the SoP will be “No Data”. The Standard of Protection (SoP) is expressed as a return period of 1 in 20 years or more. The value for Level is provided to help understand how the defended area polygon was created. JBA’s Level system indicates whether the SoP and polygon areas are based on sourced data or are based on assumptions due to limited information.

Request Parameters:

  • latitude (double): The WGS84 latitude of the location specified
  • longitude (double): The WGS84 longitude of the location specified
  • transactionId (optional string): an optional transaction identifier for the request

Response Items:

  • DefendedAreas (array): Array of Defended Area objects containing Level and SoP
  • transactionId (optional string): optional transaction identifier from the request


// REST Requests
//Sample REST Responses
   "DefendedAreas": [   {
      "Level": 2,
      "SoP": "500"
   "TransactionId": "1"
   "DefendedAreas": [   {
      "Level": 1,
      "SoP": "50"
   "TransactionId": "2"
   "DefendedAreas": [   {
      "Level": 0,
      "SoP": "No Data"
   "TransactionId": null


Flood Service

Flood Service

The Location Hub® Flood Service processes geographic coordinates and quickly evaluates whether an address (or coordinate location) is inside a flood hazard return period, including River Flood (Fluvial), Surface Water (Pluvial), Storm Surge, and/or Defended Areas.

The Flood Service supports the following return periods only: OneIn20Years, OneIn50Years, OneIn75Years, OneIn100Years, OneIn200Years, OneIn500Years, OneIn1500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn20Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn50Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn75Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn100Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn200Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn500Years, SurfaceWaterOneIn1500Years, StormSurgeOneIn20Years, StormSurgeOneIn50Years, StormSurgeOneIn75Years, StormSurgeOneIn100Years, StormSurgeOneIn200Years, StormSurgeOneIn500Years, StormSurgeOneIn1500Years

What does it do?

The Flood Service allows users to determine whether or not a property is within a flood risk area or defended area based on a defined return period by passing a geographic coordinate of the location to the service. Input coordinates must be in Latitude and Longitude WGS84 projection.

The Flood Indication service quickly returns True or False if the coordinate falls within the maximum flood extent of the 1 in 1,500 year return period for either River Flood, Surface Water and/or Storm Surge. The Flood Evaluation service allows the user to specify the flood return period to be queried and the service returns the flood depth at the location, if the coordinate is within the extent. The Defended Area service returns the Standard of Protection (SoP) and the accuracy Level of the defended area polygon.

Flood Service – SOAP Interface

The SOAP Interface provides access to the following web service requests:

Flood Service – REST Interface

The REST API Interface provides access to the following web service requests:

Flood Service – Return Periods

The following Flood Return Periods are available in the Flood Evaluation Service for River Flood, Surface Water and Storm Surge:

  • 1 in 20 year
  • 1 in 50 year
  • 1 in 75 year
  • 1 in 100 year
  • 1 in 200 year
  • 1 in 500 year
  • 1 in 1,500 year

Flood Service – Depth Levels

The following depth levels are returned by the Flood Evaluation Service for River Flood, Surface Water and Storm Surge:

1 x <= 0.3m
2 0.3 < x <= 1m
3 1 < x <= 3m
4 3 < x <= 6m
5 6 < x <= 9m
6 x > 9m
127 No Data Found

Flood Service – Defended Area Information
The following attributes will be returned for Defended Area: (SoP, Level):

Attribute Data Type Description 
Level Integer Indicates if the Standard of Protection (SoP) and polygon areas are based on sourced data and/or assumptions.
SoP Integer Standard of Protection assigned to individual polygon areas representing a Defended Area.
This is expressed as a return period of 1 in 20 years or more.
A value of 50 indicates a Standard of Protection up to a river flood hazard return period of 1 in 50 years.

The following table explains the levels assigned to the Defended Area polygon according to the number of assumptions included:

Level Source of SoP Source of Area Polygon
0 No Data No Data
1 Assumed Assumed
2 Assumed Sourced
Sourced Assumed
3 Sourced Sourced

Accessing the Service

To access the Location Hub Flood service you must first be authorized for use with Location Hub Web Services in order to have a valid user name and password. Please contact info@dmtispatial.com for more information on how to register for the Location Hub Flood Web Service.
Once you have a valid user name and password, please refer to the Authentication section for information on how to access the service.