Recognition Score

Recognition Score

Address Recognition Match Score

The Recognition Match Score is an indicator on how confident DMTI is that we were able to recognize the address submitted. The algorithm takes both the number and type of changes made to an address and the uniqueness of the location into consideration; a unique location is an address input that will only return a single result from Address Recognition. If an address submitted returns multiple results (due to missing address elements in the request) the Score will reflect this.

The Recognition Match Score is a value between 0 and 1. If Address Recognition is able to identify the exact address as submitted to the service, the Score returned in the response will be 1. This value will only be used if there are no ambiguous results and no input address elements required correction.

As an example, in Canada there is only one address at 15 Allstate Parkway, the address of DMTI. If submitted to Address Recognition, even without the Municipality, Postal Code or Province included in the request, the service will return a high Score as it was able to uniquely identify this address. This will allow users to identify correct addresses, even if there is information missing from the input record. However, please note that incorrect address elements supplied in the request will lower the Score as this information may correlate to the wrong address.

All changes made to the address will be returned in the response from Location Hub Address Recognition.

DMTI recommends to use 0.80 as the minimum Score which produces a good recognition rate while limiting the rate of false matches.

Recognition Options

Recognition Options

Address Recognition Options

The following Options can be configured when using the Recognition SOAP Service:

  • AllowFuzzy: (default: true) allow inexact Street and Municipality name matching. Fuzzy matching enables recognition of slight variations of names, misspellings, etc.
  • ScoreThreshold: (default: 0.45) only return results with Recognition Score at or above the specified threshold.
  • MaxResults: (default: unlimited) limit the number of recognition match candidates returned by the service. In interactive applications it might be advantageous to present multiple matches to get feedback on which candidate is correct, specifying this option will limit the possible number of match candidates returned.
  • RequireMatchOn: (default: none) array of items of CivicAddressField type. Specifying one or more items will restrict the recognition process from changing the corresponding address component to make the match. For example, in many cases submitting an address with incorrect municipality name will result in the correction of the name (15 ALLSTATE PKWY TORONTO -> 15 ALLSTATE PKY MARKHAM ON L3R5B4). If it is important for the client application to never allow this kind of change, “Municipality” can be added to the “RequireMatchOn” collection. Allowed values are:
    • StreetNumber
    • StreetNumberSuffix
    • StreetName
    • StreetType
    • StreetDirection
    • UnitType
    • UnitNumber
    • Municipality
    • MunicipalityOrPostalCode (either municipality or postal code must match, this option is not compatible with individual “Municipality” and “PostalCode” options)
    • Province
    • PostalCode
    • Country
  • RecognizeIntersections: (default: false) set this option to allow intersection recognition and geocoding. When input is recognized as intersection, the response will be of type LocationIntersection (rather than LocationAddress).
  • InterpolatedOnly: (default: false) set this option to return interpolated coordinates only (instead of high precision coordinates when available, interpolated in other cases).
  • InterpolationInset: (default: 20.0m) avoid placing the interpolated coordinates within this distance from intersections.
  • InterpolationOffset: (default: 10.0m) offset the interpolated coordinates from the road centreline.
  • InferSubAddresses: (default: false) set this option to return a recognized unit with UUAID when the unit does not exist in the Location Hub database.
  • RecognizePostalAddresses: (default: false) is available to support the recognition of a Postal Address. An example of a postal address can include P.O. Box and rural routes. This option must be set to TRUE in your request for Postal Addresses to be recognized and geocoded, however it will not have an impact when processing a civic address and as such is recommended to always be set to TRUE.
  • EnablePostalCodeExpansion: (default: false) is available to only free form or unparsed address recognition requests. When this option is enabled and a valid complete six digit postal code is submitted in the request, the response will include all civic addresses in the postal code.

Recognition – SOAP Service

Recognition – SOAP Service

SOAP Operations

There are 4 main address recognition operations available through SOAP/XML

  • RecognizeById – finds address based on a Unique Address Identifier (UAID). This operation accepts the following parameters:
    • UAID (string)
  • RecognizeFreeForm – recognizes an entire address as a single line. This operation accepts the following parameters:
    • AddressLine (string)
  • RecognizeUnparsed – recognizes an address based on Address Line 1, Address Line 2 and separate fields for Municipality, Province, and Postal Code. This operation accepts the following parameters:
    • AddressLine1 (string)
    • AddressLine2 (string)
    • Municipality (string)
    • ProvinceState (string)
    • PostalCode (string)
    • Country (string)
  • RecognizeParsed – recognizes an address based on individual address components. This operation accepts the following parameters:
    • StreetNumber (integer)
    • StreetNumberSuffix (string)
    • StreetPreDirection (string)
    • StreetPreType (string)
    • StreetName (string)
    • StreetType (string)
    • StreetDirection (string)
    • SubAddressType (string)
    • SubAddressNumber (string)
    • Municipality (string)
    • ProvinceState (string)
    • PostalCode (string)
    • Country (string)


Each Recognize SOAP/XML operation accepts Options that affect the behavior of the recognition process. The most commonly customized are:

  • ScoreThreshold: only return results with a Score at or above the ScoreThreshold
  • MaxResults: some requests (e.g. “10 KING ST” with no municipality) produce a lot of potential matches, this will limit the number of result candidates per request item.


Each Recognize operation can accept one or more request items and will respond with the same number of ResponseItem collections (of type Location). A ResponseItem collection can contain:

  • 0 items: Address not recognized
  • 1 item: A single address match
  • 2 or more items: Multiple matches if the input address is ambiguous. For example; a street direction was missing in the input

The following tables summarize the descriptions and values where applicable for each of the returned data fields from the service.

Field Value type / range Description
Score float: 0.0 – 1.0 Match Score: Higher score = higher confidence of match being correct.
UAID * GUID Unique Address Identifier
RDSID integer DMTI internal use only
UUAID * GUID Unique Unit Address Identifier
CI * float: 0.0 – 1.0 Corroborative Index
Coordinate WGS84 Lat/Lon Coordinates
  • Address: high precision or interpolated from road segment
  • RoadSegment: road segment centroid
  • Road: road centroid
  • PostalCode: Postal Code (FSA or FSA+LDU boundary) centroid
  • Municipality: Municipality centroid
  • Intersection: road intersection
Coordinate Type
  • HighPrecision: Rooftop, entrance, driveway, parcel centroid
  • Routable: Coordinates on the road segment, usable for routing
Note:AddressPointType is an optional attribute and is only valid when CoordinateType equals to Address. All other CoordinateTypes do not represent address points, so AddressPointType would have no meaning.
PDC See PDC Table Position Determination Code
MDUFlag * True / False / Null Specifies whether the address represents a Multiple Dwelling Unit
ResidentialFlag *
  • Residential
  • NonResidential
  • Mixed (includes both residential and non-residential)
  • Null
Identifies the primary use of the address
AddressLine string Concatenated version of the address
StreetNumber integer Street Number
StreetNumberSuffix string Street Number Suffix
StreetPreDirection string Prefix Street Direction
StreetPreType string Prefix Street Type
StreetName string Street Name
StreetType string Street Type
StreetDirection string Street Direction
Municipality string Municipality (official Census municipality)
PostalMunicipality string Mailing Municipality
StateProvince string Province
PostalCode string Postal Code
Country string Country
Change Flag See Change Flag details below Each address element that was changed will have an attribute providing the change description.
DA string Statistics Canada Census Dissemination Area Identifier
UsedMunicipalityAlias string The recognized Municipality alias for the Municipality in the response

Change flags: the ChangeFlag attribute in the response can be used to provide feedback to an application user about which address elements changed in the output vs input (by the means of e.g. displaying input and output address lines side by side and highlighting the corrected elements in the output. See the examples below). The values are:

  • Changed – element was present in the input, and was replaced with corrected value (St -> Ave, N -> S, Toronto -> Markham, etc.)
  • Ignored – element was present in the input but wasn’t needed (15 Allstate Pkwy South Markham -> 15 Allstate Pkwy Markham)
  • Added – element was missing (15 Allstate Markham -> 15 Allstate Pkwy Markham)
  • Standardized – element was changed to its standard form. This includes usage of aliases (15 Allstate Parkway -> 15 Allstate Pkwy).
  • AliasUsed – applies when alternative name was used to recognize municipality or street name (666 Burnhamthorpe Rd Etobicoke -> 666 Burnhamthorpe Rd Toronto).
  • FuzzyUsed – spelling of a street or municipality name was corrected (15 Alstate Pkwy Markham -> 15 Allstate Pkwy Markham)

*While Location Hub Services will return such values as UAID/UUAID, CI, MDU and Residential flags, the client may not be licensed to use the values. Please make sure the client is appropriately licensed to use these values.

Recognition – REST Batch Service

REST Batch Operations

There are 3 main Address Recognition batch operation requests available through REST

  • RecognizeFreeFormBatch: recognizes one or more single line address strings.
  • RecognizeUnparsedBatch: recognizes one or more addresses based on Address Line 1, Address Line 2 and separate fields for Municipality, Province, and Postal Code.
  • RecognizeParsedBatch: recognizes one or more addresses based on individual address components.


All batch methods require a HTTP POST (PUT) operation. All parameters except the first one are submitted through the query string. The first parameter data (of type Stream) is a set of addresses submitted to the service. This parameter can be in XMLJSON or text form. A user has to specify the content type of the input data when submitting a request.

  • for XML, the request content type must be “application/xml”,
  • for JSON, the request content type must be “application/json”
  • for text, the request content type must be “text/xml”.

For XML and JSON input addresses will be serialized and de-serialized, hence both the client and the service have to use the same data types/classes. For the exact structure of these classes see the section Input Data Classes. For text files, users will have to provide a header row. This row will contain what address elements/columns/fields are present in the file and in what order. Not all columns have to be present and they don’t have to be in the same order. Each column name (address element) has to match one of acceptable names. For the full list of acceptable names see section Submitting Text Input.

The last parameter delimiter is applicable only for plain text submission and specifies the column/field delimiter. Acceptable values are “,” and “|”.

The service will return a collection of zero or more matching address candidates.

All REST Recognition Batch requests have exactly the same list of parameters as shown below:

  • data: (type Stream) – The list of addresses submitted in the request. This parameter is submitted within the body of the request and contains one or more addresses formatted in XML, JSON or delimited text.
  • maxResults: Maximum number of candidates to return. Please note: the candidates are ordered by score (highest first).
  • scoreThreshold: only return results with a Score at or above the ScoreThreshold. Please refer to Recognition Score for more information.
  • useFuzzy: (Optional – default: true) allow inexact Street and Municipality name matching. Fuzzy matching enables recognition of slight variations of names, misspellings, etc.
  • inferSubAddresses: (Optional – default: false) set this option to return a recognized unit with UUAIDTM when the unit does not exist in the Location Hub database.
  • recognizePostalAddresses: (Optional – default: false) is available to support the recognition of a Postal Address. An example of a postal address can include P.O. Box and rural routes. This option must be set to TRUE in your request for Postal Addresses to be recognized and geocoded, however it will not have an impact when processing a civic address and as such is recommended to always be set to TRUE.
  • recognizeIntersections: (Optional – default: false) set this option to allow intersection recognition and geocoding. When input is recognized as intersection, the response will be of type LocationIntersection (rather than LocationAddress).
  • interpolatedOnly: (Optional – default: false) set this option to return interpolated coordinates only (instead of high precision coordinates when available, interpolated in other cases).
  • interpolationInset: (Optional – default: 20.0m) avoid placing the interpolated coordinates within this distance from intersections.
  • interpolationOffset: (Optional – default: 10.0m) offset the interpolated coordinates from the road centreline.
  • EnablePostalCodeExpansion: (Optional – default: false) is available to only free form or unparsed address recognition requests. When this option is enabled and a valid complete six digit postal code is submitted in the request, the response will include all civic addresses in the postal code.
  • format: the output format of the response. The options supported are json or xml. If no format is provided, the service will default to json.
  • delimiter: This parameter specifies the delimiting character for delimited text data only. Supported characters are “,” and “|”.

Input Data Classes

The following data structures are required when submitting addresses in batch to be processed by the REST service:


Class Definition:

vclass FreeFormAddress
    string Address;
    string SequenceId;
XML Schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:element name="FreeFormAddress" nillable="true" type="FreeFormAddress" />
  <xs:complexType name="FreeFormAddress">
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Address" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SequenceId" type="xs:string" />


Class Definition:

class UnparsedAddress
    string AddressLine1;
    string AddressLine2;
    string Municipality;
    string ProvinceState;
    string PostalCode;
    string Country;
    string SequenceId;

XML Schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:element name="UnparsedAddress" nillable="true" type="UnparsedAddress" />
  <xs:complexType name="UnparsedAddress">
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="AddressLine1" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="AddressLine2" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Municipality" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ProvinceState" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PostalCode" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Country" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SequenceId" type="xs:string" />


Class Definition:

class ParsedAddress
    uint StreetNumber;
    string StreetNumberSuffix;
    string StreetPreDirection;
    string StreetPreType;
    string StreetName;
    string StreetType;
    string StreetDirection;
    string SubAddressType;
    string SubAddressNumber;
    string Municipality;
    string ProvinceState;
    string PostalCode;
    string Country;
    string SequenceId;

XML Schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:element name="ParsedAddress" nillable="true" type="ParsedAddress" />
  <xs:complexType name="ParsedAddress">
      <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="StreetNumber" type="xs:unsignedInt" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="StreetNumberSuffix" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="StreetPreDirection" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="StreetPreType" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="StreetName" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="StreetType" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="StreetDirection" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SubAddressType" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SubAddressNumber" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Municipality" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ProvinceState" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PostalCode" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Country" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SequenceId" type="xs:string" />

Submitting Text Input

When submitting addresses as plain text, one row contains one address. It is not required to specify the number or the order of the columns. The first row is required to be a header row containing the column names. The header row can be delimited by either a comma (“,”) or pipe (vertical bar “|”). All column names have to match one of the acceptable names listed below. The following table contains the list of acceptable column names including their supported aliases.

FreeFormAddress Column Names:

Column Name Supported Aliases Description
RowID Row ID Unique Row Identifier
Address Free Form Address Single Line Address fully concatenated

UnparsedAddress Column Names:

Column Name Supported Aliases Description
RowID Row ID Unique Row Identifier
AddressLine1 Address Line 1, Address 1 Address Line 1 – typically street address like “15 Allstate Parkway”
AddressLine2 Address Line 2, Address 2 Address Line 2 – typically unit address like “Unit 400”
Municipality Muni, City Municipality or City Name
ProvinceState Province, Prov/State, Prov Province Name
PostalCode Postal Code, P Code, PCode, PC Postal Code
Country Country

ParsedAddress Column Names:

Column Name Supported Aliases Description
RowID Row ID Unique Row Identifier
StreetNumber Street Number, St Number, Street No, St No Street Number
StreetNumberSuffix Street Number Suffix, St Number Suffix, Street No Suffix, St No Suffix Street Number Suffix
StreetPreDirection Street Pre Direction, St Pre Direction, St Pre Dir, Pre Direction, Pre Dir Street Pre Direction
StreetPreType Street Pre Type, St Pre Type, Pre Type Street Pre Type
StreetName Street Name, St Name Street Name
StreetType Street Type, St Type Street Type
StreetDirection Street Direction, St Direction, St Dir Street Direction
SubAddressType Sub Address Type, Unit Type Unit Type
SubAddressNumber Sub Address Number, Sub Address No, Unit Number, Unit No Unit Number
Municipality Muni, City Municipality or City Name
ProvinceState Province, Prov/State, Prov Province Name
PostalCode Postal Code, P Code, PCode, PC Postal Code
Country Country


RecognizeFreeFormBatch Request


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/xml
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 595
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfFreeFormAddress xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <Address>15 allstate parkway suite 400 markham on</Address>
    <Address>30 Leek crescent unit 202 Richmond Hill ON</Address>
    <Address>260 King St W, Toronto, ON</Address>


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 260
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
   "Address":"15 allstate parkway suite 400 markham on",
    "Address":"30 Leek crescent unit 202 Richmond Hill ON",
    "Address":"260 King St W, Toronto, ON",


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: text/xml
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 131
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
Row ID,Address
1|15 allstate parkway suite 400 markham on
2|30 Leek crescent unit 202 Richmond Hill ON
3|260 King St W, Toronto, ON

RecognizeUnparsedBatch Request


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/xml
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 987
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfUnparsedAddress xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <AddressLine1>15 allstate parkway</AddressLine1>
    <AddressLine2>Suite 400</AddressLine2>
    <AddressLine1>30 Leek Crescent</AddressLine1>
    <AddressLine2>Unit 202</AddressLine2>
    <Municipality>Richmond Hill</Municipality>
    <AddressLine1>260 King St W</AddressLine1>


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 490
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
    "AddressLine1":"15 allstate parkway",
    "AddressLine2":"suite 400",
    "AddressLine1":"30 Leek Cres",
    "AddressLine2":"Unit 202",
    "Municipality":"Richmond Hill",
    "AddressLine1":"260 King St W",


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: text/xml
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 189
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
RowId, Address 1, Address 2, city, province, postal code
One, 15 allstate pky,suite 400, markham,on,l3r 5b4
Two, 30 Leek Cres,Unit 202, Richmond Hill, ON,
Three, 260 King St W,,Toronto,On,

RecognizeParsedBatch Request


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/xml
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 1295
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfParsedAddress xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <Municipality>Richmond Hill</Municipality>


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 627
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
    "Municipality":"Richmond Hill",


Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: text/xml
Authorization: WRAP access_token="********************************"
Content-Length: 227
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
Row id, street number, st name, st type, st direction,unit type,unit number, city, prov, pc
101,15, allstate, pky,,Suite,400,markham, on,
102, 30, Leek, Cres,,Unit,202, Richmod Hill, on, l4b 4n4
103, 260,King,St,W,,,Toronto,ON,

Recognition – REST Service

Recognition – REST Service

REST Service

REST Operations

There are 3 main Address Recognition operation requests available through REST

  • Find: finds an address based on a Unique Address Identifier (UAID®)
  • Recognize: recognizes an entire address as a single line
  • RecognizeFreeForm: recognizes an entire address as a single line similar to the SOAP interface. This request provides additional optional parameters and returns a complete set of output attributes similar to the SOAP interface.

For REST Batch Requests, please refer to the REST Batch Service page.


The Find operation accepts the following parameters:

  • uaid: The Unique Address Identifier (UAID®)
  • format: the output format of the response. The options supported are json or xml. If no format is provided, the service will default to json.

The Recognize operation accepts the following parameters:

  • address: The input address as a single line
  • limit: Maximum number of candidates to return. Please note: the candidates are ordered by score (highest first).
  • scoreThreshold: only return results with a Score at or above the ScoreThreshold. Please refer to Recognition Score for more information.
  • format: the output format of the response. The options supported are json or xml. If no format is provided, the service will default to json.

The RecognizeFreeForm operation accepts the following parameters:

  • address: The input address as a single line
  • maxResults: Maximum number of candidates to return. Please note: the candidates are ordered by score (highest first).
  • scoreThreshold: only return results with a Score at or above the ScoreThreshold. Please refer to Recognition Score for more information.
  • useFuzzy: (Optional – default: true) allow inexact Street and Municipality name matching. Fuzzy matching enables recognition of slight variations of names, misspellings, etc.
  • inferSubAddresses: (Optional – default: false) set this option to return a recognized unit with UUAIDTM when the unit does not exist in the Location Hub database.
  • recognizePostalAddresses: (Optional – default: false) is available to support the recognition of a Postal Address. An example of a postal address can include P.O. Box and rural routes. This option must be set to TRUE in your request for Postal Addresses to be recognized and geocoded, however it will not have an impact when processing a civic address and as such is recommended to always be set to TRUE.
  • recognizeIntersections: (Optional – default: false) set this option to allow intersection recognition and geocoding. When input is recognized as intersection, the response will be of type LocationIntersection (rather than LocationAddress).
  • interpolatedOnly: (Optional – default: false) set this option to return interpolated coordinates only (instead of high precision coordinates when available, interpolated in other cases).
  • interpolationInset: (Optional – default: 20.0m) avoid placing the interpolated coordinates within this distance from intersections.
  • interpolationOffset: (Optional – default: 10.0m) offset the interpolated coordinates from the road centreline.
  • EnablePostalCodeExpansion: (Optional – default: false) is available to only free form or unparsed address recognition requests. When this option is enabled and a valid complete six digit postal code is submitted in the request, the response will include all civic addresses in the postal code.
  • format: the output format of the response. The options supported are json or xml. If no format is provided, the service will default to json.

The service will return a collection of zero or more matching address candidates.

The return data types for Find and Recognize are:

class Address
    GUID? UAID; // nullable
    GUID? UUAID; // nullable
    float score;
    Coordinates[] coordinates; // see below
    bool? MDUFlag; // nullable
    ResidentialFlag? residentialFlag; // see below
    string freeFormAddress;
    string country;
    string locale;
// address components
    int? streetNumber; // nullable
    string streetNumberSuffix;
    string streetName;
    string streetType;
    string streetDirection;
    string unitType;
    string unitNumber;
    string municipality;
    string postalMunicipality;
    string provinceState;
    string postalCode;
class Coordinates
    CoordinateType coordinateType; // see below
    AddressPointType? addressPointType; // nullable
    // AddressPointType is only valid when CoordinateType == Address, see below
    double lat;
    double lon;
    int PDC;
enum CoordinateType
    None = 0,
    Address = 1,
    RoadSegment = 2,
    Road = 3,
    PostalCode = 4,
    Municipality = 5,
    Intersection = 6,
enum AddressPointType
    HighPrecision = 0,
    Routable = 1,
enum ResidentialFlag
    Residential = 0,
    NonResidential = 1,
    Mixed = 2,

Example (Find request):

A request for UAID “5c2d1184-d1b5-ebc5-2d01-5d34fc18e88f” will produce the following output:

// Find REST Request:
//Find REST Response:
   "MDUFlag": true,
   "UAID": "5c2d1184-d1b5-ebc5-2d01-5d34fc18e88f",
   "UUAID": null,
   "coordinates":    [
         "PDC": 10,
         "addressPointType": 0,
         "coordinateType": 1,
         "lat": 43.850174,
         "lon": -79.363277
         "PDC": 50,
         "addressPointType": 1,
         "coordinateType": 1,
         "lat": 43.849769,
         "lon": -79.364969
   "country": "CANADA",
   "freeFormAddress": "15 ALLSTATE PKY MARKHAM ON L3R5B4",
   "locale": "en-CA",
   "municipality": "MARKHAM",
   "postalCode": "L3R5B4",
   "postalMunicipality": "MARKHAM",
   "provinceState": "ON",
   "residentialFlag": 1,
   "score": 0,
   "streetDirection": null,
   "streetName": "ALLSTATE",
   "streetNumber": 15,
   "streetNumberSuffix": null,
   "streetType": "PKY",
   "unitNumber": null,
   "unitType": null,
   "DA": "35190749",
   "UsedMunicipalityAlias": null

Example (Recognize request):

A request for “15 Allstate” will produce the following output:

// Recognize REST Request:
//Recognize REST Response:
   "MDUFlag": true,
   "UAID": "5c2d1184-d1b5-ebc5-2d01-5d34fc18e88f",
   "UUAID": null,
   "coordinates":    [
         "PDC": 10,
         "addressPointType": 0,
         "coordinateType": 1,
         "lat": 43.850174,
         "lon": -79.363277
         "PDC": 50,
         "addressPointType": 1,
         "coordinateType": 1,
         "lat": 43.849769,
         "lon": -79.364969
   "country": "CANADA",
   "freeFormAddress": "15 ALLSTATE PKY MARKHAM ON L3R5B4",
   "locale": "en-CA",
   "municipality": "MARKHAM",
   "postalCode": "L3R5B4",
   "postalMunicipality": "MARKHAM",
   "provinceState": "ON",
   "residentialFlag": 1,
   "score": 0.929,
   "streetDirection": null,
   "streetName": "ALLSTATE",
   "streetNumber": 15,
   "streetNumberSuffix": null,
   "streetType": "PKY",
   "unitNumber": null,
   "unitType": null,
   "DA": "35190749",
   "UsedMunicipalityAlias": null

Example (RecognizeFreeForm request):

A request for “15 Allstate” will produce the following output:

// RecognizeFreeForm REST Request:
//RecognizeFreeForm REST Response:
{"ResponseItems": [{
   "InsufficientFlag": true,
   "LocationCandidates": [   {
      "Type": "LocationAddress",
      "UAID": "5c2d1184-d1b5-ebc5-2d01-5d34fc18e88f",
      "RDSID": 5961050,
      "CI": 0.99361,
      "MDUFlag": true,
      "ResidentialFlag": 1,
      "StreetNumber":       {
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": false,
         "Value": 15
      "StreetNumberSuffix":       {
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": false,
         "Value": null
      "StreetPreDirection":       {
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": false,
         "Value": null
      "StreetPreType":       {
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": false,
         "Value": null
      "StreetName":       {
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": false,
         "Value": "ALLSTATE"
      "StreetType":       {
         "ChangeFlag": 2,
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": true,
         "Value": "PKY"
      "StreetDirection":       {
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": false,
         "Value": null
      "PostalCode":       {
         "ChangeFlag": 2,
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": true,
         "IsDerived": false,
         "Value": "L3R5B4"
      "DA": "35190749",
      "IsAsserted": false,
      "IsAssertedSpecified": false,
      "Score": 0.9285714,
      "Coordinates":       [
            "Lat": 43.850174,
            "Lon": -79.363277,
            "CoordinateType": 1,
            "AddressPointType": 0,
            "AddressPointTypeSpecified": true,
            "LegacyPDC": 105,
            "PMC": 104,
            "PDC": 10
            "Lat": 43.849769,
            "Lon": -79.364969,
            "CoordinateType": 1,
            "AddressPointType": 1,
            "AddressPointTypeSpecified": true,
            "LegacyPDC": 205,
            "PMC": 505,
            "PDC": 50
      "AddressLine": "15 ALLSTATE PKY MARKHAM ON L3R5B4",
      "Municipality":       {
         "ChangeFlag": 2,
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": true,
         "Value": "MARKHAM"
      "StateProvince":       {
         "ChangeFlag": 2,
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": true,
         "Value": "ON"
      "Country":       {
         "ChangeFlag": 2,
         "ChangeFlagSpecified": true,
         "Value": "CANADA"
   "SequenceId": null

Postal Address Recognition

Postal Address Recognition

The RecognizePostalAddresses Option

The option, RecognizePostalAddresses is available to support the recognition of a Postal Address.

An example of a postal address is below but these can include P.O. Box and rural routes. This option must be set to TRUE in your request for Postal Addresses to be recognized and geocoded, however it will not have an impact when processing a civic address and as such is recommended to always be set to TRUE.

Recognition with RecognizePostalAddresses set to false:

PO Box 2127 Brooks AB T1R1C8
UAID: Null
51 Lorraine Cres St. Albert AB T8N2R4
UAID: 6C6F4652-4BDE-0890-5F13-00010101585A

Recognition with RecognizePostalAddresses set to true:

PO Box 2127 Brooks AB T1R1C8
UAID: a99e62fe-6a92-67f8-b895-ab962d65c8fe
51 Lorraine Cres St. Albert AB T8N2R4
UAID: 6C6F4652-4BDE-0890-5F13-00010101585A



Civic and related rural address in the same response

<!-- Request -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v2="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <v2:RecognizeRequestFreeForm xmlns:tns="">
         <!--1 to 100 repetitions:-->
         <v2:Item SequenceId="bc816c4e-c855-426f-ab94-c3838861df1c">
            <v2:AddressLine>1303 Baker Valley Road RR 1 Central Frontenac K0H 1B0</v2:AddressLine>
<!-- Response -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <RecognizeResponseFreeForm xmlns="">
            <ResponseItem SequenceId="bc816c4e-c855-426f-ab94-c3838861df1c">
                  <Location xsi:type="LocationAddress">
                     <Coordinates PMC="214" PDC="21" LegacyPDC="115" CoordinateType="Address" AddressPointType="HighPrecision">
                     <Coordinates PMC="505" PDC="50" LegacyPDC="205" CoordinateType="Address" AddressPointType="Routable">
                     <!-- Civic Address section below-->
                     <AddressLine>1303 BAKER VALLEY RD RR 1 CENTRAL FRONTENAC ON K0H1B0</AddressLine>
                     <Municipality>CENTRAL FRONTENAC</Municipality>
                     <StateProvince ChangeFlag="Added">ON</StateProvince>
                     <Country ChangeFlag="Added">CANADA</Country>
                     <MDUFlag xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ResidentialFlag xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <StreetName>BAKER VALLEY</StreetName>
                     <StreetType ChangeFlag="Standardized">RD</StreetType>
                     <PostalCode IsDerived="false">K0H1B0</PostalCode>
                     <!-- Related Postal Address section below -->
                        <Coordinates PMC="657" PDC="65" LegacyPDC="500" CoordinateType="PostalCode">
                        <AddressLine>RR 1 ARDEN ON K0H1B0</AddressLine>

Postal Address Only:

<!-- Request -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v2="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <v2:RecognizeRequestFreeForm xmlns:tns="">
         <!--1 to 100 repetitions:-->
         <v2:Item SequenceId="767c36f5-daeb-4acf-94ce-d500e237b6c1">
            <v2:AddressLine>RR 1 Central Frontenac K0H 1B0</v2:AddressLine>
<!-- Response -->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <RecognizeResponseFreeForm xmlns="">
            <ResponseItem SequenceId="767c36f5-daeb-4acf-94ce-d500e237b6c1">
                  <Location xsi:type="LocationPostalAddress">
                     <Coordinates PMC="657" PDC="65" LegacyPDC="500" CoordinateType="PostalCode">
                     <AddressLine>RR 1 ARDEN ON K0H1B0</AddressLine>


Position Determination Code

Position Determination Code

Address Recognition PDC

With every address recognized and geocoded using Location Hub, the Position Determination Code (PDC) is returned to specify the precision of the coordinates. The lower the value of the PDC indicates the more precise the placement of the coordinates.

PDC Description
10 Centroid of Building Footprint
11 Building Main Entrance
12 Building Driveway
20 Centroid of Parcel
21 Inside of Parcel
22 Along Parcel Front Line
30 Undefined Point Level Coordinates
50 Street Segment and Range Interpolation
55 Street Segment and Range Extrapolation
60 Additional Geocoding Options (includes intersections and highway ramps)
65 LDU (Local Delivery Unit, 6-character postal code) centroid
70 Landmark
71 FSA (Forward Sortation Area, first 3 characters of postal code) centroid
77 Centroid of Neighbourhood Boundary
78 Centroid of Community Boundary
79 PPN (Populated Place Name) centroid
80 Centroid of Municipal Boundary

Corroborative Index

Corroborative Index

Address Recognition CI

What is the Corroborative Index (CI)?

The Corroborative Index (CI) is a value between 0 and 1 assigned to each recognized address in DMTI’s database that represents a measure of likelihood that it exists. The CI is calculated based on both the quantity and the quality of source data that reference a specific address. Source data, which comes to DMTI from more than 7,300 federal, municipal and private partners, is weighted based on a number of factors including year of acquisition, extent of coverage, original purpose of source and method of collection. Together, these characteristics tie into a formula which helps users validate which of their addresses are real and which might not be.

What do the CI ranges represent?

Using our CI formula, we have definitions for CI values which can be used to help instruct your business processes.

CI Value Significance
0 There is no evidence in support of the existence of the address.
0 < x <= 0.3 There is evidence that the address exists in a street segment range
0.3 < x <= 0.5 The address is likely to exist, more evidence will be collected when possible but this value is sufficient to believe the object is present.
0.5 < x <= 0.95 The address is very likely present
x > 0.95 The address is almost certain to be present based on one or more physical visits by a trusted and verified source

Address Recognition and Geocoding

Address Recognition and Geocoding

The Location Hub Address Recognition Service provides Canadian address recognition functionality which seeks to correct and verify addresses so that organizations can leverage the inherent value of an address with the confidence and trust they need in order to make precise business decisions.

What Does It Do?

The purpose of Address Recognition is for an address to be confirmed as an admissible, reliable address. More specifically, Location Hub’s Address Recognition Service uses advanced logic and address matching principles to standardize and correct the predominant majority of Canadian addresses – making adjustments to formatting, spelling, missing information and component standardization – so that an address can be matched against a market leading Master Address Repository for Canada. The service recognizes both civic and postal addresses – including rural routes, PO boxes and postal station information – and cross-correlates them to ensure you always get the right result for your application.

Once an address has been properly recognized, it can be geocoded – attaching latitude and longitude coordinates. The service takes you beyond approximate locations to accurately pinpoint customers and prospects with rooftop precision. For records where you don’t have an exact address, it also supports geocoding to the street, intersections, populated place or postal code. Additional context is provided about a location such as the likelihood the property exists, whether it is a single family home or multi-dwelling unit, and the property type (residential, commercial or mixed).

Each address is assigned a unique, persistent address identifier (UAID) providing unparalleled matching capabilities to ensure you can always match and link seemingly disparate addresses.

Why Is It Beneficial?

Effectively Price and Configure Products

  • Support real-time locates and serviceability determination;
  • Increase customer service levels and improve customer experience;
  • Reduce errors associated with address mismatch;
  • Resolve issues that delay delivery and service interval problems;
  • Improve productivity and efficiency measures for customer service representatives by providing them with the enhanced information needed immediately at point of contact.

Increase Addressable Market

  • Increase net adds and infill conversion rates during the campaign planning and execution process;
  • Significantly increase addressable markets by improving target address data quality for prospect lists, segmentation and customer location mapping.

Accessing the Service

To access the Location Hub Address Recognition and Geocoding service you must first be authorized for use with Location Hub Web Services in order to have a valid user name and password. Please contact for more information on how to register for Location Hub Address Recognition and Geocoding Web Service.

Once you have a valid user name and password, please refer to the Authentication section for information on how to access the service.

Using the Address Recognition and Geocoding Service

The Address Recognition and Geocoding service is available as both SOAP and REST web services. Please refer to the following pages for details on the services: